
Who I am

About Trevor

Growing up as a pastor's kid, I think I can say that I have been in the ministry my whole life.  I clearly felt a call towards full-time ministry while I was a student at the University of Pretoria. After graduating with a degree in Banking, I attended a part-time Bible School and after that, a full-time missions training school.
In 2001, my life took a detour and I landed on the shores of Europe.  During the next ten years that followed, I joined Every Nation London and was blessed with a wonderful spiritual family and ministry experience in over fifteen nations. 
In 2004 I married Yvette at the foot of the beautiful mountains in Stellenbosch, South Africa.  Soon after, we answered the call to plant a church in Belgium.  After Micah and Monet were born in England in 2006 and 2008, we moved to the beautiful historical city of Ghent, Belgium where we were blessed with two more boys, Sion (2011) and Luka (2014) . The church started off in 2010 in our living room and has grown into a vibrant hub for young people who now call Every Nation Gent their home church.
Since September 2022, we started handing the church over to new leadership. My role in Every Nation has changed from leading a congregation to raising new leaders for new congregations. My main ministry assignment focusses on rasing new leaders through our full-time internship called GOYear in Europe.

Nothing is more satisfying than to see people meet their Saviour and grow in relationship with God.  My biggest joy is to help young people develop their leadership potential.
Life in Europe has been windy, wet and wonderful.  I will not exchange it for anything.